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Behind me the door opens and Rosanne steps inside. Oh God, not at this moment I think. She immediately opens the window and starts about the weather. She has probably nothing better to do. Soon I find out what’s the real reason of her visiting me. She wants an upload. The addict! I actually think it’s not a wise idea, because she can’t get them from Steward. That’s obvious. But it is just the thing I need right now. If I can give her an upload, I can send the data to the network at the same time, to calculate and paste the images together. She will have her upload and I will have my film. She happy ŕnd I happy. Now wishing it will work. Rosanne is up in the clouds. I have to say her to keep quiet, because we are doing illegal things. “If someone finds out and talks things trough we’re on the street.” I say to calm her down. She gives me an enthusiastic kiss on my unshaved cheek and gets silent indeed. Together we prepare the upload. Adjusting the computer, loading the M-store, all standard procedure. Now I must start the combined computing power. Fortunately it’s still early in the morning. There’s probably no one at the office. I hope nobody finds out if the whole network goes down when it’s working for my toy and Rosanne’s addiction. She settles in the chair next to the equipment and I start the upload.

Slowly her face relaxes. The frown on her forehead disappears. Her eye sockets get round again. The wrinkles at the corners of her eyes withdrawn disappear as well. Now she looks like she did at the time I came into this project. Almost six months ago. There is a lot that can change in a human being. I say to her, now the upload is done how her face changed from a stressed frown into a beautiful, happy look. She doesn’t bother, but she has certainly understood. She wants to leave, but I want her to stay for a while. “Stay to relish the memory, than you’ll see for yourself if there’re really images produced. You are the one who can say if those images are similar to the upload.” I wait intently and watch the monitor to follow the progress of the computing. Until now it goes fine. And so fast. That is the benefit of a simple short M-store without too much details and colour variations. After exactly nineteen minutes the computing is done. Full of expectations we watch the screen as I start the film.  First we only see snows, but slowly it changes and a vague sun comes trough.

“Is that what you saw?” I asked and I couldn’t hide my enthusiasm. My voice cracked. It works! “I don’t want you to tell this further. This must be kept a secret here in Portland.” “It is by order of Kodjiro that I’m working on this. By the way, you’re not going to tell anyone that you had an upload?” Rosanne looks at me surprised. “By order of......” She has eyes like plates. “We must talk things through this weekend” I say. “There has been happening so much lately and nobody seems to know the whole picture”. I suggest going to Elisa’s bar Saturday night. She gets scared from this proposal, but I can say her that I made up for her a long time ago. More than a sorry from Rosanne towards Elisa isn’t necessary to have a nice evening I guarantee. “Before we go we will secretly take a nice long upload of our choice".

find out how it was for Rosanne