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Since Tachikawa showed me how the new M-stores work, I’m mostly in the laboratory during the nights to find out how I can get the images attached to the memories visible on screen without the interference of a human being. But I make the same fault over and over again. The images restart every time. I get some images for a half of a second and that repeats itself. The total capacity of the whole computer network is necessary to view all those half-second-images and to puzzle them together and perhaps that gives troubles as well. Here I’ve reached the end of my knowledge. It is four o’clock in the morning and I decide to stop for the time being. That Tachikawa can be stolen! I shall send him an e-mail saying that it is possible, but with more money, more computer capacity and more knowledge. It’s time he’ll start paying me more for all my efforts.

While I walk back from the lab towards my room I see someone walking outside who reminds me at somebody I know from home, from Elgin. A friend of mine who knows all about networks and combining computing powers. After all, he has studied for that as a mathematician. That gives me an idea. I walk back as fast as I can and write him a message asking him to help me.

I already have an answer the next morning. And how he could help me. A whole package of attachments with manuals, programs and all the knowhow I need. Get going with it. It takes me a whole day to install al the software. I have to work during the night, otherwise the whole network is used by the staff. After two nights working on a very simple M-store it must be possible to knit several images together. It will become an image of nothing, but every first step is a difficult one.