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It was busy at the temple. It was a highlight for tourists. A lot of souvenir shops and such. I discovered Heather and Hans in the distance.  

A Japanese boy approached them and they followed him. Through a lot of small streets they finally reached a restaurant and went in. “We go in, Adrian” said Rosanne. There was no other solution. We couldn’t just witness what would happen. The place was completely empty. Nothing, nothing to see at all. There was a door at the back. Behind that door we saw Heather and Hans, but also a group of Japanese and Kodjiro. I yelled at Heather and Hand. “Get out of here. Run!” Heather could get away but Hans was hold. I dived upon his waylayer and he could escape as well. Now I was held. By three men. There was no way to get free. I screamed and yelled and Rosanne jumped upon us. I have never seen her so outrageous. She bit and she kicked. Slammed and scratched and hammered at the men. It helped. Suddenly I felt some space and I could get away. I started to run. Outside. The last thing I saw when I looked at the door, was Kodjiro holding Rosanne. He looked at her concerning. Gave me the eye and winked. That was enough. Running, those fellows won’t let me go that easily.

I had to continue running. They were right behind me. I jumped over a hedge and landed in a garden. Straight through, across the lawn and then straight through the bushes. Next hedge, over it again. At the street. There a cabdriver was cleaning his windscreen. I pushed him in the car and gave him the address of the latest hotel Rosanne and I stayed, before we went to Kodjiro. The driver understood my hurry and we hared off. For now I was safe and I could get some breath.

find out how it was for Hans

find out how it was for Rosanne